Now in the fifth year, the upcoming AMR Control 2019, has attracted more distinguished global players from the antimicrobial resistance world to write on key topics. In particular, there will be contributions from Japan, Thailand and WHO SEARO in India, including a unique overview of the Japanese Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System which is currently being extended to antimicrobial resistance surveillance internationally.
Other highlights will include a feature on global health security with contributions from the United States, Canada and Switzerland as well as articles on the future of One Health and the EU EFFORT Project. Infection control will be addressed by the leadership of ACICNet, a thousand member Arabic network, while WHO leaders in IPC will explain where we stand. There will also be coverage of vaccines, diagnostics, TB and R&D and investment. Last but not least, climate change and antimicrobial resistance will also be a new issue for the 2019 edition.
Authors for the 2019 edition will include:
- Japan’s AMR Centre for Surveillance and
- Containment and the AMR Research Centre at the
- National Institute of Infectious Disease, Tokyo
- The Japanese Ministry of Health
- The WHO SEARO Office, New Dehli, India’s Health
- Emergency Information and Risk Assessment,
- Department of Health Emergencies
- Thailand’s Mahidol University
- The United States’ Massachusetts Brigham and
- Women’s Hospital
- Japan’s Infectious Disease Control Division,
- ACICNet – Arabic infection control network
- Canadian Research Centre
- German-initiated Global R&D AMR Hub
- French Academy of Pharmacy
- The World Bank
- The Moscow Summit on TB